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User Manual

Graph Mode

  • Non-Euclidean:  allows for visualizing non-linear connections (bendy lines) between data points.

  • Euclidean:  illustrates linear connections (straight lines) between data points.


Sphere Polarity

Visualize the 'positive' or 'negative' perception of data points through their position around the sphere. 

"Positive" & "Negative" are often considered subjective and rely on surrounding context. These values are mapped with the Z-axis.

Truth Value

Color represents confidence or certainty (truth values) of data points. 


Warmer Colors = Higher Values

Cooler Colors = Lower Values

This is crucial for understanding data points & their connections.

Connection View

Select different visual modes to represent connections.

  • Standard Weights: This mode displays connections with a color and width corresponding to their weight. (This is the baseline, using only the connection strength.)


  • Truth-Influenced: This mode displays connections with a color and width that are influenced by the truth values of the connected nodes. (This focuses on the combined truth values of the connected nodes.)
  • Distance-Weighted Truth: This combines both distance and truth values.
  • Distance Map: This isolates the effect of distance. (Edges are assigned weight based on distance between nodes.)


  • Nodes Only: This mode displays only the nodes on the sphere. ( Removes edges entirely.)


Add Node

Allows adding new nodes to your 

ValuOrb by specifying their name,

position (X, Y, Z), and truth value.


X & Y determines local placement.

Z-axis determines polarity/height.


Truth values are limited to 0.0 - 1.0


Remove Node

Nodes can be removed by typing in their name.


Removal is case sensitive.


Add Connection

 Add connections between nodes

on your ValuOrb by specifying their

names and a weight value.


The color of the connection changes 

depending on the connection view selected.

This color indicates weight value.


Weight values are limited to 0.0 - 1.0


Remove Connection

Connections can be removed by typing in the names of the connected nodes.


Removal is case sensitive.


On Hover Popup Info

When the cursor rests on a node or connection, a small window of information appears.


  • Name Of Selected Node or Connection
  • Current X-axis Position
  • Current Y-axis Position
  • Current Z-axis Position 
  • Truth Value (Node Info) or Weight (Connection Info)


At this time, this is the only way to view

Connection & Node info on the ValuOrb.
( Please check back for more updates regarding save/load functions. )


ValuOrb was originally created to map the alignment of Intelligent Machines, but its true 'Valu' is in its versatility.


The X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis can represent different concepts depending on the application.

The context of your data will determine your results.


You can unlock a vast amount of unique insights by exploring data with ValuOrb.



ValuOrb is a simplified representation of a non-Euclidean space.


Data is graphed around a central sphere.

Nodes can connect to the 'Core' to establish a visualization of crucial relationships.


The ValuOrb visualization can represent a variety of relationships through distance, color, and size.