Graph Mode
Non-Euclidean: allows for visualizing non-linear connections (bendy lines) between data points.
Euclidean: illustrates linear connections (straight lines) between data points.
Sphere Polarity
Visualize the 'positive' or 'negative' perception of data points through their position around the sphere.
"Positive" & "Negative" are often considered subjective and rely on surrounding context. These values are mapped with the Z-axis.
Truth Value
Color represents confidence or certainty (truth values) of data points.
Warmer Colors = Higher Values
Cooler Colors = Lower Values
This is crucial for understanding data points & their connections.
Connection View
Select different visual modes to represent connections.
Standard Weights: This mode displays connections with a color and width corresponding to their weight. (This is the baseline, using only the connection strength.)
Distance Map: This isolates the effect of distance. (Edges are assigned weight based on distance between nodes.)
Add Node
Allows adding new nodes to your
ValuOrb by specifying their name,
position (X, Y, Z), and truth value.
X & Y determines local placement.
Z-axis determines polarity/height.
Truth values are limited to 0.0 - 1.0
Remove Node
Nodes can be removed by typing in their name.
Removal is case sensitive.
Add Connection
Add connections between nodes
on your ValuOrb by specifying their
names and a weight value.
The color of the connection changes
depending on the connection view selected.
This color indicates weight value.
Weight values are limited to 0.0 - 1.0
Remove Connection
Connections can be removed by typing in the names of the connected nodes.
Removal is case sensitive.
On Hover Popup Info
When the cursor rests on a node or connection, a small window of information appears.
At this time, this is the only way to view
Connection & Node info on the ValuOrb.
( Please check back for more updates regarding save/load functions. )
ValuOrb was originally created to map the alignment of Intelligent Machines, but its true 'Valu' is in its versatility.
The X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis can represent different concepts depending on the application.
The context of your data will determine your results.
You can unlock a vast amount of unique insights by exploring data with ValuOrb.
ValuOrb is a simplified representation of a non-Euclidean space.
Data is graphed around a central sphere.
Nodes can connect to the 'Core' to establish a visualization of crucial relationships.
The ValuOrb visualization can represent a variety of relationships through distance, color, and size.